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Keyera Lending Library

Fort Saskatchewan

Our lending library is full of developmentally appropriate toys, books, music, and DVDs. There are parent resources such as books, videos, and playpens. Come down to the office and check out the library. If you are in Sturgeon County ask the facilitator to look at the catalogue to borrow some new and exciting items.

For more information call 780-998-5595 ext. 221.


Cost: FREE

Educational Backpack Program

Fort Saskatchewan

Borrow educational videos, books, toys and games free-of-charge. Materials are distributed in backpacks that are divided into three age groups.


Cost: FREE

Diapers and Formula

Fort Saskatchewan

Diapers and formula are available upon request. Subject upon availability.


Cost: FREE

Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)

Fort Saskatchewan

Click on the link below to complete Ages and Stages Questionnaire for your child. This screening tool gives you a snapshot of where your child is in their development based on their age. The results help us identify any development delays and, most importantly, celebrate the milestones your child achieves going forward. This tool relies on you as the expert about your child.

There are two kinds of questionnaires:

Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3)

This provides you information about your child across five developmental areas:

communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem-solving, personal-social

Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social Emotional (ASQ: SE-2)

This provides you information about your child’s social and emotional development.
